Free Trial Coding Class

  • Coding
8070 160th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052, USA


  • Mon 
  • Tue 
  • Wed 
  • Thu 
  • Fri 
  • Sat 
  • Sun 
Single: 60 minutes - 1 single session



Join us for a FREE trial coding class designed for your child!

Embark on a journey into game design, selecting Scratch, Roblox, Minecraft, or Python based on your child's skills and interests. Nurture their coding creativity with us today!For students ages 7-14

The free class includes designing a game, an assessment, a tour of our center, and an explanation of our programs and pricing. Nothing is required. Just bring your child into our center and we’ll give them a FREE Hour of Code Class to show them what they could be learning at Skill Samurai.

Registration period

Registration starts on 07/24/2023 and ends on 07/24/2025.

Participants may register at any time during this period.

In-person location

8070 160th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052, USA