Eastside Skill Samurai

After-School Coding & Robotics Classes

Free Trial Coding Class

Select your free coding time !!!


Join us for a FREE trial coding class designed for your child! Embark on a journey into game design, selecting Scratch, Roblox, Minecraft, or Python based on your child's skills and interests. Nurture their coding creativity with us today! For students ages 7-14

The free class includes designing a game, an assessment, a tour of our center, and an explanation of our programs and pricing. Nothing is required. Just bring your child into our center and we’ll give them a FREE Hour of Code Class to show them what they could be learning at Skill Samurai.

Math Mastery

Lets work with you to curate your learner's personalized STEM adventures with a Free Assessment

Pick your date for Math fun !!!

This MathCode™ Mastery Assessment, helps you  evaluate your young learners strength and growth areas

MathCode™ Mastery Assessment is not an exam, and there is no pass or fail.

Our Math coaches
  1. Will observe your child's approach to problem solving,
  2. Ask questions to determine their areas of strength and opportunities for growth.
  3. Your child will be able to ask questions and hear the answers in plain language from our coaches..
  4. This information will be used to create a tailored learning plan that will help your child achieve their academic goals.

After the assessment

 A Skill Samurai Coach will discuss their findings with you and provide you with recommendations for next steps.


Website: https://skillsamurai.com/wa-eastside
Address: 8070 160th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052, USA
Phone: 14252859199
Email: [email protected]